Comprised of parents and school staff, the School Advisory Council (SAC) develops and monitors the school improvement plan. The members are elected to the committee by their constituencies and serve for a specific period of time. Efforts are made to include members from all segments of the community for racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic balance. Anyone interested in serving on SAC should contact the principal.
School Public Accountability Reports (SPAR)
Florida's School Public Accountability Reports have been generated to comply with federal legislation that requires annual report cards on the educational progress of schools, school districts, and the state. These reports are initially published prior to the beginning of the school year. The School Public Accountability Report contains several types of data (indicators) designed to inform parents and the general public about the progress of Florida's public schools. This report meets public reporting requirements and provides certain additional information of interest on the status of Florida's schools.
Hard copies of all reports are available in the front office for your review.